Kopie Über

Sama Dabit

  • Mission

    In-depth, Individual Therapy: Focused on holistic approaches that create lasting and profound effects.

    Science and Heart: A blend of solid medical knowledge and an empathetic, human approach.

  • Specialty

    Holistic View of Emotions: Emotions are not suppressed, but consciously guided and integrated.

    Intercultural & Multilingual Competence: International experience enables me to address cultural differences and work in a personalized way.

    Experience in various clinics and fields: I have worked in both medical and psychiatric departments, with children, adolescents, and adults. I took on many responsibilities, which gave me broad knowledge about quality and the challenges in this field.

    Holistic approach in working with children: I don’t just work directly with children, but also include their entire environment. I begin by working with the parents, guiding them to become co-therapists for their children, thus integrating holistic support for all involved, not just a direct connection with the affected individuals.

  • Values

    1. Personalization: Therapy Tailored to You

    Every person is unique – and therapy should be too. I offer personalized psychological support that adapts to your individual challenges, emotions, and needs. Together, we create a path that truly fits you – with depth, flexibility, and effectiveness.

    2. Technology: Modern Digital Therapy for Maximum Flexibility

    My approach is innovative and effective. Through digital sessions, interactive exercises, and continuous communication, you can work on your mental well-being anytime, anywhere. I integrate the latest psychological methods with digital tools to enable sustainable change.

    3. Quality: Deep Work for Lasting Change

    It's not just about temporarily easing symptoms, but about creating real and profound transformation. Instead of treating problems superficially, we address the underlying emotional causes and resolve unconscious patterns that shape your thoughts and feelings, leading to long-term inner stability.

    4. Sustainability: Therapy That Makes a Real Difference

    Sustainable mental health is not just about overcoming current challenges but about building lasting emotional stability. Through a holistic approach, you will learn long-term strategies to navigate your emotions with awareness and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

    5. Service: Intensive Support When You Need It

    Whether you need flexible individual sessions or customized therapy packages, I am here for you. For those requiring intensive follow-up, I offer continuous support to ensure you receive the highest level of care. Your progress is my priority, and I guarantee you the guidance you need at any time.

  • Path

    Encouragement for Self-Development: Psychotherapy that not only heals but activates the potential for change.

    Trust and Clarity: Focusing on creating a safe, supportive space for sustainable transformation.

    I guide people towards greater inner stability and well-being by honoring individual needs and combining scientifically-backed methods with an empathetic attitude.


  • Langjährige Tätigkeit im Pflege- und Erziehungsdienst in Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrien.

  • Psychosomatik: Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit psychosomatischen Störungen.

  • Tageskliniken: Unterstützung und Begleitung in teilstationären Einrichtungen.

  • Depressionsstation: Spezialisierte Pflege und Therapie bei Depressionen.

  • Akutstation: Intensive Betreuung in akuten Krisensituationen.

  • Internationale Arbeit: Mitarbeit in Projekten weltweit, wie SOS-Kinderdörfer.

Ausbildung und Qualifikationen

  • Heilerlaubnis zum Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie, Gesundheitsamt Dortmund.

  • Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegerin.

  • Aktuelle Weiterbildung in Kinderpsychologie.

  • Aktuelle Weiterbildung in Psychotherapie.

Therapeutische Weiterbildungen

  • Progressive Muskelrelaxation nach Jacobsen.

  • Autogenes Training.

  • Systematische Desensibilisierung in sensu und vivo.

  • Flooding-Techniken.

  • Entspannungsmethoden und Traumreisen.

  • Deeskalationstraining und Gewaltprävention.

  • Gesprächstherapie nach Rogers.

  • Hochsensibilitäts-Psychotherapie.

  • Gruppentherapie und Soziales Kompetenztraining.

  • Training emotionaler Kompetenzen

  • Vulnerabilitäts-Stress-Modell.

  • Alltagsbewältigungsmaßnahmen.


  • Zertifizierte Spezialistin für Hochsensibilität: Umfassende Spezialisierung mit Abschlussprüfung bei der Fernakademie für Pädagogik und Sozialberufe.

  • Zertifikat für Unified Protocol: Teilnahme und Umsetzungserlaubnis des transdiagnostischen Ansatzes, geleitet von Harvard, mit Abschlussprüfung.


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