✔ 100% Online Sessions
✔ Flexible and Personalized
✔ No Waiting Times
✔ Exclusive Availability
✔ Therapy Board Access
✔ No Data Transmission to Your Health Insurance
✔ In Person Therapy Available in Düsseldorf Upon Request
✔ Home Visits Possible
Alternative Practitioner for Psychotherapy
Click on the photo to learn more about me.
Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse, mich kennenzulernen. Mein Name ist Sama Dabit und ich bin Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der psychologischen Arbeit. Während meiner Tätigkeit in verschiedenen klinischen Einrichtungen habe ich die Stärken, aber auch die Grenzen klassischer Therapieformen erlebt. Besonders die knappe Zeit für eine individuelle Betreuung, standardisierte Methoden und oft nur kurzfristige Erfolge haben mich dazu bewegt, neue Wege zu gehen.
Auf der Suche nach einer fundierten, nachhaltigen und flexiblen Therapieform bin ich auf das Unified Protocol gestoßen – eine moderne Form der kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie, die emotionale Wurzeln tiefgehend behandelt. Diese Methode ermöglicht schnelle und klare Verbesserungen, ohne dabei die Individualität jedes Menschen aus den Augen zu verlieren.
Ich habe meine Therapie so gestaltet, dass sie durch moderne, digitale Tools ergänzt wird. Dadurch erhalten Sie nicht nur wertvolle Gespräche in den Sitzungen, sondern auch einen geschützten digitalen Raum, in dem Sie aktiv an Ihrem Transformationsprozess arbeiten können – als Einzelperson, Familie oder für Kinder und Jugendliche.
Mein Ansatz verbindet psychologisches Fachwissen mit innovativen, praxisnahen Methoden. Ziel ist es, Ihnen eine Therapie zu bieten, die schnell, wirksam, klar und individuell anpassbar ist. Gemeinsam arbeiten wir daran, dass Sie Verantwortung für Ihr Wohlbefinden übernehmen und nachhaltige Veränderungen in Ihrem Leben erreichen.
Ich freue mich darauf, Sie auf diesem Weg zu begleiten!
I can support you with these problems...
✔ Emotional Dysregulation (difficulty managing emotions)
✔ Major & Persistent Depressive Disorder (chronic low mood, lack of motivation)
✔ Anxiety Disorders (social anxiety, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder)
✔ Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (intrusive thoughts, compulsive behaviors)
✔ Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (psychological effects of trauma)
✔ Eating Disorders (binge eating, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa)
✔ Burnout Syndrome & Chronic Fatigue (long-term stress, emotional exhaustion)
✔ Crisis Intervention & Adjustment Disorders (coping with loss, separation, or life transitions)
✔ Self-Esteem & Identity Issues (low confidence, self-doubt, perfectionism)
✔ Stress-Related Disorders
(insomnia, muscle tension, nervous restlessness)
... and many other mental health challenges. Feel free to reach out, and together we will find the right approach for you.
You're not alone.
My therapy approach fits into your daily life.
Tailored Psychotherapy
Focus on Emotions
Cognitive & Behavioral Change
Effective Techniques
Modern & Flexible Therapy Approach
Holistic Family Support
Communication & Bonding
Coping with Emotionally Challenging Situations
Intensive & Practical Support
Children & Adolescents
Emotion Regulation
Building Self-Confidence
Reducing Anxiety & Stress
Support for Behavioral Issues
Parents as Part of the Therapy
In a introductory session, we’ll explore your concerns, expectations, and goals for therapy. It’s also a chance for you to get to know me and determine if you feel comfortable moving forward together.
Once you’ve decided to proceed with therapy, you will receive a treatment agreement to sign and return. I will then introduce you to our secure online therapy platform, which is tailored to meet your individual needs and challenges.
In the first session, we will discuss the therapy plan together and determine the most suitable therapeutic approach. No prior knowledge is required. All steps will be clearly explained to ensure you feel comfortable and confident throughout the process.
Therapy typically involves a minimum of five sessions. The frequency is up to you, although a weekly rhythm is recommended. After each session, you have access to your personal therapy platform, where you can continue working on the materials.
Your diagnosis and therapy progress remain strictly confidential and will not be shared with health insurance companies. At the end of therapy, you will receive a personalized report outlining your progress and the results achieved.
My Therapy Platform.
Your individual treatment plan
Before starting the treatment, you will receive an individual treatment plan from me. This plan will be uploaded to your platform, so you can monitor the progress of your process at any time.
Your sessions overview and content
To make the sessions even more effective, I provide a summary before and after each session. This way, you have the opportunity to review and reflect on the topics discussed at any time.
Exclusive availability depending on the package
In addition to the sessions and worksheets, you can send messages at any time. I will respond to your questions within 24 hours and am available for phone calls daily to support you in your daily life.
Your practical exercises
These assignments are designed to help you actively work on your progress and make use of the support between sessions to further advance your process.
Here, you can leave your questions.
Do you have a question? I’m here for you.
Send me a message, and I’ll get back to you.
Ruhe & Wachstum
Sama Dabit
Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie
Roseggerstr. 47
40470 Düsseldorf
Telefon: 0178-1117658
Email: praxis@samadabit.de